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Support AREI
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AREI would like to invite companies/organizations/clubs to partner in our education-based conservation efforts in 2005. Could your business help advance our mission to the appreciation, understanding, and conservation of birds and their habitats through research and education? Our new Adopt-A-Net program allows you to help us reach our goals while getting advertising and interesting information for your group.
Support from the Miami Valley community is critical to the success of AREI's unique programs. AREI would like to invite you to become one of your 2005 "Adopt-A-Net" sponsors with a contribution of $500 or more. As a sponsor, your company, organization, or club's name will be placed on a sign at one of our mist nets, indicating your generous support of our goals. Your group will also be recognized in The Cuckoo newsletter, in our year-end advertisement in The Oxford Press, on this website, and in our annual report. Net sponsors are also invited to a "behind the scenes" tour of our migration station and receive a year-end report summarizing their net's captures.
Adopt-A-Net Sponsorship Levels
Raptor level: $1000+
Oriole level: $500 - $999
Warbler level: < $500 (groups contributing less than $500 will share a net with other sponsors)
Your donations will help:
Support research, education and informational activities to improve knowledge of bird activity and migration
Educate students and community members
Support programs aimed at understanding the biology of migrant and resident songbirds
Provide valuable resources for the AREI staff and volunteers
If you are interested in joining our Adopt-A-Net program, please call us at the numbers below or send us an email at the link provided. We look forward to hearing from you.
Phone: (513) 382-4889
Phone: (513) 218-7228
Email: info@avianinstitute.org
Website: www.avianinstitute.org

© Avian Research and Education Institute 2005